The plan with this site is to help me show off some of my projects and education to potential employers and act as somewhat of a blog for my personal endeavours.

Portfolio projects

is where I plan to create little tutorials for my projects walking the reader through the steps I took and providing code snippets and links to the project on my GitHub.

Course Work

will contain information for some of the more important courses i’ve taken including: grade distributions, my thoughts on the course, and syllabus and homework where possible.


A section for little html/js games/ I have a couple from some old classes I want to recode and improve upon so we’ll see how big that section grows with time.


just holds a copy of my resume and a more of a timeline of what I’ve done since highschool.

Blog posts and publications

Not sure what I’m doing with this yet, but it seems a waste to not have a blog section on a personal blog site like this. Maybe in the future I’ll do some game devlogs and put them in there. I do love game devlogs….


Check out the about page for more info on what im using to build this site.

This is my first time building and hosting a website so im hoping to learn alot as I slowly make changes here. I invite you to come back and visit sometime in the future when I have more impressive things coded up :)