ELEC 451
ELEC 451 Power Electronics Power diodes, thyristors, transistors and FETs; analysis of idealized circuits with generalized loads; AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC converters, modulation techniques, gating circuits; practical design and applications.
My Class Average: | 78% |
My Grade: | 81% |
historical averages: | 76.83% |
https://ubcgrades.com/statistics-by-course#UBCV-ELEC-451 |
My Impressions:
Another one of the best courses I’ve taken in my 4 years at UBC. Power electronics taught by Martin Ordonez was great, lectures made sense and logically principles led into each other. The professor also made an effort to show the class modern day research and examples that are on the cutting edge. Things future power electronics engineers need to be aware of.